The benefits of Attack Surface Reduction

Attack surface reduction is crucial for modern organizations to minimize the risk of cyber attacks, protect sensitive data, and maintain a strong cybersecurity posture. Attack surface reduction involves identifying and reducing vulnerabilities and weaknesses that attackers can exploit to gain unauthorized access.

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Continuously discover and map your external attack surface

Reducing your attack surface is a critical aspect of modern cybersecurity programs. One of the initial steps towards achieving this objective is identifying and mapping all internet-facing assets. A comprehensive understanding of digital assets serves as a foundation for reducing the external attack surface and mitigating security threats.

To achieve effective attack surface reduction, organizations need to have continuous visibility and understanding of their internet-facing assets. This reconnaissance is vital because it enables security teams to prioritize and establish appropriate security controls to mitigate security risks effectively.

As external attack surfaces are constantly evolving you need to go beyond ad hoc asset discovery. By using continuous and systematic asset discovery all digital assets are identified and mapped in real-time. This ensures you have better asset visibility and a  complete and accurate view of your external attack surface.

By leveraging our platform, organizations can reduce their external attack surface and enhance their cybersecurity posture. With comprehensive visibility into their internet-facing assets, organizations can effectively identify and mitigate security risks, safeguard sensitive data, and protect their brand reputation.

Informer Platform Attack Surface Reduction Asset Discovery

Monitor exposures and attack vectors in real-time

Maintaining an effective cybersecurity posture is an ongoing challenge, as the external attack surface is continuously changing. Therefore, continuous monitoring is necessary to identify new attack vectors and changes that may have been introduced to the external attack surface.

While periodic penetration tests are essential, they only provide a static snapshot of your attack surface at a specific point in time. Dynamic attack surface monitoring, on the other hand, goes beyond this approach and provides a real-time view of the external attack surface.

Informer’s EASM solution offers dynamic attack surface monitoring and vulnerability intelligence. You can access a prioritized list of exposures and attack vectors that require remediation by your security team. This list is based on a real-time perspective of how your environment looks from a potential attacker’s perspective.

As part of any attack surface reduction process, you need proactive security insights to fix vulnerabilities, safeguard against threats, and reduce your external attack surface effectively. By identifying and prioritizing risks in real-time, your organization can stay ahead of attackers and reduce the likelihood of successful cyberattacks.

Informer Platform Attack Surface Reduction Risk Ratings

Mitigate against targeted cyberattacks

In today’s threat landscape, cybercriminals use a variety of sophisticated tools to gain deep insights into an organization’s external attack surface to attempt to exploit vulnerabilities. To defend against these threats, organizations must identify vulnerabilities and monitor for any changes or misconfigurations that could leave them exposed.

EASM solutions equip security teams with the security insights needed to mitigate threats from vulnerabilities. Our platform provides real-time visibility into an organization’s external attack surface and identifies vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.

Our vulnerability insights empower organizations to proactively remove vulnerable assets, secure weak points, or take other necessary steps to reduce their external attack surface before attackers can exploit weaknesses. By prioritizing and remedying vulnerabilities in real time, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of successful cyber attacks and protect sensitive data.

Attack surface reduction is an ongoing process and by harnessing continuous asset discovery and monitoring solutions you reduce risk and improve cyber hygiene.



Informer Platform Attack Surface Reduction Insights